Sunday, September 25, 2011

My happiness project

Inspired by this read:

This is my very own happiness project that i embarked on:

1. Cleaning up my room
Over the years i have collected so much "junk", all stashed around my room. These are "junk" that i did not bear to throw because they represent memories of the different stages of life that i have gone through. With resolve, i went through the stash, dumped magazines that i collected, throwing out textbooks and notes used decades ago, re-packed the "collectibles" into ikea boxes and re-stashed them in the storage room. Now my room looks half empty, but at least i know that i still have my memories stored away nicely in my house.
Helpful Tip: Put everything into storage that has not been used for the past month.

2. Revamping my room
Now, this part of my project brought great joy to me. Over the years i have done little change to my bedroom, contented to live in mess and clutter. I finally dumped the huge table that i have been using for decades, and bought a smaller functional table in replacement. In additional to the load of "collectibles" that i stashed into the storage room, a huge space was created in my bedroom. Now my room looks much cleaner, brighter and bigger. This change lifts my mood- everyday when i get home from work, it feels great to be greeted by this huge empty space.

3. Emptying my wardrobe
This is probably still in the "work in progress" stage. I, very much like any other girls, have a bursting wardrobe. The situation is so bad that my mum refuses to open it. She leaves clothes that are washed/ironed on my bed to make me hang them up myself because its kinda tricky to close my wardrobe. (because its bursting) With a stroke of luck, my younger sister rented a flea market booth to sell her clothes recently. I packed all my clothes which i have not worn for the past year for her to sell. This was a painful process for me. There were clothes that were BRAND NEW that i loved but had never had the opportunity to wear. But i knew that in situations like that you have to close your eyes and be harsh. You have no idea how much my heart sinks whenever my sis texted me to say oh i sold your skirt/top/jacket for x (because it is a flea so my clothes were sold for a tiny fraction of the price i bought them at) But as she rationalized with me, these were clothes that you will never wear anyway. How true How true!!!

So, with huge resolve, this is how i will change my life

4. Recognizing my Addiction
Now, anyone who knows me will know what i am addicted to:- watching drama serials, especially korean dramas. I have been spending way too much time indulging in this "hobby", as much as i find joy in this, there is really no constructive improvement that it makes to my life. (In fact it may very well be destructive since korean dramas make people unrealistic).
I know that this is an addiction, but i don't want to stop it because i simply enjoy watching dramas too much. Instead, i am going to practise self- restraint. Instead of watching dramas whenever i am free, i am going to allocate one hour a day for it. So that is like watching one episode a day. This works, because it makes me look forward to that one hour a day and also i get other things done as well. Time that used to be spent on watching the serials are now used for reading, etc.

5. Thinking positive thoughts
OK this is very tricky for me. For the past years I have been moping about my life, griping about how sad my life is, etc. So i am determined to start thinking happy thoughts.
1. Thy shall resolve to STOP SWEARING
This is really tough for me. I mean, personally to me, swearing doesn't mean a thing, it is just an avenue for me to release for frustration. So i use the "F" word very frequently, so much so that it comes as a reflex action. When i spill water all over my desk, "F" is the first word that comes out of my mouth. When someone bumps into me or steps on my feet, "F" is the first word that comes out of my mouth. Now frankly speaking, in these scenarios when i use the "F" word, it is really purely a reflex action and not that i really mean it. There was this small incident when an uncle bumped into me during lunch and caused me to drop my food on the floor. Yes with my very foul mouth the F word came out immediately. He was taken aback and extremely apologetic about bumping into me. The truth was, yes i was annoyed at that moment, but as soon as the word came out of my mouth, i felt sorry and wished i didnt say it. It was purely a reflex word and i honestly did not mean to swear at him. :( :(

It's gonna be tough to change this habit, but yes i will try my best to do it.

Also inspired by a korean drama that i watched recently, whenever you are down/depressed, think of happy words. Say them out loud and you will be surprised at how fast your mood can change.

Here are some happy words thou shall keep in mind:

1. Happy
2. Fantastic
3. Great
4. Brilliant
5. Beautiful
6. Good
7. Wonderful
8. Excellent
9. Superb
10. Awesome

My happiness project changed my life, shall encourage you guys to start one of your own too! :)


Anonymous said...

One more happy word: "Ku ku ku ku....." =)

Anonymous said...

Yup, better don't watch too much Korean show, best is don't watch at all....Watch too much you will lose your sense of reality....