Saturday, March 20, 2010


So ever since my younger sis taught me how to buy from blogshops / sprees recently, i have been HOOKED.

This is how obsessed i have been:
1. Weekends have been spent at home, surfing through the 101 blogshops.
2. Everyday when i get home i will try to check if there are any updates
3. Tried to buy something online from my iphone because i was out and the blogshop was super popular. (Webpage failed to load properly.. so didn't manage to get my item, sad!!)
4. Signed up on a lot of mailing lists so that i can get previews of launches when i check my emails.
5. Even signed up for a twitter account so that i can receive first hand news abt which blogshops are going to be updated. (ADD ME, if u have an account!! I only have one follower as of now.. :( )
6. Started a POSB account so that i can do internet transfers for my purchases (I have always been with UOB)

Why have i been soo hooked? I think its the joy of receiving goods delivered at your door step.
Like this came in the mail today:
(sorry for the poor resolution, took the pic with my iphone, and as you know, i have shaky fingers.. hehehe)

But anyway, its so pretty, right? I super super super super like it! Bought it from a Korean Spree (even though the shoe says Made in China =.=) for only abt 30 bucks!
Hehehe, but its maybe just a tweeny little bit too big for me, I just gotta buy those insoles to stick it in, then i can wear it!


Looking forward to my next package!!!!

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