Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sorry, not me!

I received a facebook friend request today from a stranger.
Out of curiosity, i went to check out who this guy is - who are his friends, his information, etc. Was it a long- lost friend that i have forgotten about?

Then i found something strange.... check this out!

Ok i edited the names out because i don't want to put my real name on this blog. But WTF, he made friends with 10 ppl with my name? Considering that he only has 62 friends? Sounds like he either - has a fetish for my name (maybe the fortune teller told him that knowing someone with my name will bring him luck) or he has a crush on someone with my name and is desperate to trace that someone.
Sounds more like the second case huh? Well, all i can say is, good luck dude but i'm not the one you are looking for. Hahaha, and it's really like looking for a needle in a haystack because... i just checked, and there are 500 ppl with the same name as me.

Good laugh for a sunday morning, right?

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