Sunday, July 11, 2010

A heartfelt Letter

Dear Happily Married / Engaged Friends,

First and foremost, let me clarify that I am sincerely happy for all of you guys out there who are happily married / engaged.

It's just that, all these wedding talk /apartment buying / baby birth news is starting to get to me.

I guess the last straw was when even the perennial single writer in Straits Times - Sumiko Tan announced that even she was getting married. Heck, no offence but she is already 40+ for goodness sake! And she has crossed sides to join the happy- married.

What happened to the Happy Singles out there?
Are we lost and forgotten? Left behind by the 90s/2000s?
Have we entered a new age of 2010s where being married is the new norm?

I have been bombarded by so much (too much) news of weddings / pregnancies.
Take my team for example.
When i first joined, there was only 1 married colleague. (well, 2 if you count my boss)
Then..within the span of 2 .5 years..........
everyone got married/ engaged. And the married one even popped another baby.

And its not like its a small team.
5 of them got married / engaged.
and there were 3 newborns / pregnancies along the way.
like WOW!!

Friends of my age are providing real time updates of themselves giving birth on facebook, no kidding. Like.. ooh, my water bag broke. am getting my epidural shot now.
***Errr, ok, too much information!!!

As for the happily attached friends around me, they have started to announce their apartment purchases. Yes, we know that it DOESNT mean that you are getting married by buying that apartment together. You guys are just INDEPENDENT investors. =.='''''''
***Errr, ok if that's to make me feel better, i believe that you guys are INVESTING really. Not getting married anytime soon.

Then there are those folks where.. ok you are not buying any apartment yet, not giving birth, not getting married. BUT YOU GUYS ARE PRACTICALLY MARRIED ALREADY!!! Whenever i try to ask you out during the weekends, its always, sorry got a date with the BF. Gosh, don't you guys have a life of your own? What happened to life BEFORE the BF?

So, is this the new century?
No more happy singles but more of happy married-s dominating the world?
I guess, it all should have been clear, when even Carrie Bradshaw from SATC got married and started a sequel on MARRIED life.

Excuse me now, while i reminisce about the past... a time when we were happily discussing cute crushes and crying over failed relationships. Shopping and pampering ourselves without any worries. A time when we made happy Holidays plans with girlfriends and actually had a fun time on such holidays....

Can someone please bring me back to the past? Everyone's moving too fast ahead for my liking.

1 comment:

LH said...

10 is happily single.. look for her to bring u back =)